Garden Bliss

Do you have a green thumb and love to bring those bright blossoms to life? If so, this is probably your favorite time of year! Everything is in bloom and the bouquet options right in your backyard are at an all time high. I grew up in a yard with so many gardens and exotic plants, that when it came my turn to tend the soil, I was very disappointed that I did not share the gardening prowess that my mother has. I have accepted that I will not a full vegetable garden right outside my back door, but I am a sucker for everything pretty, so I still make attempts at growing some colorful flowers. One of the easiest, most abundant, and pleasing plants to look at are the exotic tall grasses that grace our yard and neighborhood. These tall waving fronds are by far my favorite because of their striking appearance and minimal care. What is the prettiest part of your home's garden?